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Daylights is your calendar for

  • 类型:天气
  • 评分:5.00
  • 年龄要求:4+
  • 是否收费:免费
  • 语言: "EN", "FI"
  • 星级:
  • 上传者:Janne K?ki
  • 更新时间:2024-02-12 19:16:15

Daylights is your calendar for daylight and night-dark hours around the year, all over the globe.

It offers three alternative daylight visualization styles, allowing you to choose whichever feels the most intuitive to you:

? The Classic: the 12-hour clock alternates between daylight and night-dark, whichever is shorter.

? The Light: the 12-hour clock always shows daylight, overlapping with itself when necessary.

? The Magic: a 24-hour clock shows the full day, and highlights the \"magic hours\" around sunrise and sunset!

You can pick any location on the planet to look at the interplay of the polar night and the midnight sun at the big latitudes.

And finally, you can see how the light and dark hours would shift in your hometown if daylight saving time became the permanent state of things or was removed altogether, or if they decided to move to the next or previous time zone.

Now the 24-hour mode also differentiates between twilight and the actual nighttime darkness.

相关TAG: 参考资料 天气


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